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ANSI API Spec 17E:2010 pdf download

ANSI API Spec 17E:2010 pdf download.Specification for Subsea Umbilicals.
4.1.2 End terminations and ancillary equipment
End-termination interfaces with the umbilical components are a critical area and should be addressed during the design review stage.
End terminations and ancillary equipment shall, as a minimum, meet the same functional requirements as the umbilical. If applicable, the following shall be demonstrated.
a) The end termination shall provide a structural interface between the umbilical and the support structure.
b) The end termination can provide a structural interface between the umbilical and bend restrictor/bend stiffener device.
c) The end termination shall not downgrade the service life of the umbilical or the system performance below the functional requirements.
d) CP shall meet the design life requirement.
e) Contingency or planned recovery of the end termination to the surface during installation shall not downgrade the service life or system performance of the umbilical.
f) The materials in the end terminations shall be compatible with any specified fluids with which they come into contact (including potential permeation).
4.2 Project-specific requirements
The purchaser shall specify the functional requirements for the umbilical.
Functional requirements neither specifically required nor specified by the purchaser but which can affect the design, materials, manufacturing, testing, installation and operation of the umbilical shall be specified by the manufacturer. If the purchaser does not specify a requirement and its absence does not affect any of these activities, the manufacturer may assume there is no requirement.
NOTE Annex A provides a basis for such specifications.
5 Safety, design and testing philosophy
5.1 Application
Clause 5 applies to umbilical systems, including umbilicals, terminations and auxiliary equipment that are built in
accordance with this part of ISO 13628.
5.2 Safety objective
An overall safety objective shall be established, planned and implemented covering all phases from conceptual development until retrieval or abandonment.
All companies have policy regarding human aspects and environment issues. These are typically on an overall level, but more detailed objectives and requirements in specific areas can follow them. These policies should be used as a basis for defining the safety objective for a specified umbilical system.
5.3 Systematic review
A systematic review or analysis shall be carried out for all phases (e.g. manufacture, load-out, installation and operation) in order to identify and evaluate the consequences of single failures and series of failures in the umbilical, such that necessary remedial measures can be taken. The consequences include consequences of such events for people, for the environment and for the entire subsea system and financial interests.
5.4 Fundamental requirements
5.4.1 General
The following fundamental requirements apply.
The materials and products shall be used as specified in this part of ISO 13628 or in the relevant material or product specification.
Adequate supervision and quality control shall be provided during manufacture and fabrication.
Manufacture, fabrication, handling, transportation and operation shall be carried out by personnel having the appropriate skill and experience. Reference is made to recognized standards for personnel qualifications.
The umbilical shall be adequately maintained including inspection and preservation when applicable.
— The umbilical shall be operated in accordance with the design basis and the installation and operating manuals.
Design reviews shall be carried out where all contributing and affected disciplines (professional sectors) are included to identify and solve any problems.
Verification shall be performed to check compliance with provisions contained herein in addition to purchaser requirements and national and international regulations. The extent of the verification and the verification method in the various phases, including design and fabrication, shall be agreed with the purchaser. As a minimum, the manufacturer shall issue an inspection and test plan with planned surveillance and QC and shall issue this to the purchaser. The inspection and test plan shall include plans for sub-supplier and subcontractor activities when applicable.
Relevant information between personnel involved in the design, manufacture, fabrication, installation and operation shall be communicated in a clear manner to avoid misunderstandings.
5.4.2 Quality assurance
Equipment manufactured in accordance with this part of ISO 13628 shall conform to a certified quality assurance program. The manufacturer shall develop written specifications that describe how the quality assurance program will be implemented.
5.5 Design philosophy
5.5.1 Design principles
The umbilical system shall be designed according to the following basic principles.
The umbilical system shall satisfy functional and operational requirements as given in the design basis.
The umbilical system shall be designed such that an unintended event does not escalate into an accident of significantly greater extent than the original event.
The umbilical system shall permit simple and reliable installation, retrieval and be robust with respect to use.
The umbilical system shall provide adequate access for replacement and repair.
Design of structural details and selection of materials shall address the effects of corrosion, ageing, erosion and wear.


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