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API 653:2001 pdf download

API 653:2001 pdf download.Tank lnspection, Repair, Alteration,and Reconstruction.
Any specific design considerations c*her than nonna] peod. uct Ioathng shall be specified by the owner.operaior. Refer to 4A.5. footnote 3. for release presenrion systems and release iween1ion barrier definmon.
8.2.1 Weld joust derails shall meet the welding tequrements of the applicable standard.
8.2.2 All new shell jotrss shall be bun-welded jonas with complete penetranon and complete fusion.
Fiustmg weld joirns shall meet the requirements of the origiasl standard of comtnicton for the canL
8.4.1 Thckness lo be used for each shell course when checking tank design shall be based on measuremeras taken within 180 days prior to relocation. (See 4.3.2 for measiinng procedure, number, and locations of measured thicknesses.)
8.4.2 The maximum design liquid lewl for product shall be detcimined by calculating the maximum design liquid level for each shell course based on the specific graity of the product, the actual thickness measured for each shell course, the allowable stress for the matenai in each course, and the design method to be used The allowable stress for the malerial shall be determined using API Sd 650, Table 3-2. For material nor listed in Table 3-2, an allowable stress value of the Iescr of k; yield strength or ½ tensilc strength shall be used.
8.4.3 The maximum liquid level for hydrostanc test shall be detemüned by using the actual thickness measured for each shell course, the allowable stress for the material in each course, and the design method to be used. The allowable stress for the material thll be determined using API Sal 650. Table 3-2. For niatenal not listed in Table 3-2, an allowable stress value of the lesser of ½ yield strength or 21m tensile strength shall be used.
8.4.4 If a corrosion allowance is retiired for the reconstructed tank, the required corrosion allowance shall be deducted from the actual thickness before calculating the maximum liqwd level. If the actual thickness is greater than that necessary to allow the liquid level required, the extra thickness can be considered as corrosion allowance.
84.5 The jorni efficiency and allowable stress levels used for the design liquid level calculations shall be consistent with the design method used and with the degree and type of .neaion made on welded joints. The joint efficiency and allowable stress levels for existing welded joints that are not to be removed and replaced shall be based on the original degree and type of inspection.
8.5.1 Replacement and new penetrations shall be designed. detailed, welded, and examined to meet the requirements of the current applicable standard.
8.5.2 Existing pencuanons shall be evaluated for oomphance with the onginal standard of construction.
8.6.1 Top and intermediate windgirders for open top tanks shall meet the requirements of the applicable standard.
8.6.2 Tanks to be reconstructed shall be checked for wind- induced buckling in accordance with the procedures of the applicable standard, using the wind requirements for the location where the rank will be reconstructed,
8.7.1 Roof designs shall meet the requirements of the applicable standard.
8.7.2 If the new site location requires a larger design live load than the original site, the adequacy of the existing roof shall be evaluated.
Tanks that will be reconstructed in Seismic Zone 2 or greater (see API Sid 650, Table E- I) shall be checked for seismic stability based on the rules of the applicable standard using the dimensions and thicknesses of the reconstructed tank. Reconstructed ranks shall be built to meet the stability requirements of the applicable standard. Thickened bottom plates under the bottom shell course or anchoring of the tank may be required even if not used on the original tank.


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