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API G00004:2001 pdf download

API G00004:2001 pdf download.Exploration and Production Waste Management Facility Guidelines Workgroup.
2) Enter the calculated waste volumes into the appropriate row of Figure 3.1. Make sure to enter the waste volumes as 42 gallon (U.S.) barrels (bbl).
3) Multiply the waste volume (V) recorded in each row by the corresponding treatment process score (S) and record the product in the column labeled ‘ Weighted Score.” IThe score for treatment processes are based on research conducted by the American Petroleum Institute on the relative potential fbi air emissions from various processes. While the numbers appear to have a high level of precision, they are in fact a screening level interpretation of All s unpublished research results. These values should not be used fbi purposes other than the screening level assessment described in Figure 3.1.1
4) Sum the “Weighted Score” column and record the total in the next to last row of Figure 3.1. “Raw Weighted Score.”
5) Scale the raw score by dividing the column total by l.(X)0.000. Record this number in the last row of Figure 3.1. “Scaled Facility Sensitivity Score.”
6) Locate the facility’s “Scaled Facility Sensitivity Score” along the left column of Figure 3.2 and the distance to the nearest residence at the facility across the top of Figure 3.2. The cell of the matrix containing the intersection of these two factors will provide a sense of the relative sensitivity of local populations to emissions from the lcility.
Note: Pre-treatment mixing/washing (no aeration) scores (in Figure 3.2) assume that only a limited portion of the waste (approximately 0.5%) will be mixed at any one time. This percentage is based on analyses of treatment processes in Louisiana that use this technique. Facilities applying a score for this treatment method should make a determination as to whether this assumption is appropriate for their process. If a higher percentage secius appropriate, the facility may want to consider applying a “margin of safety” nailtiplicr to the final score to ensure a conservative evaluation of protection of human health and the environment.
Ilecause it is a screening tool, this methodology provides only an indication of emission levels for self- assessment purposes. Facilities with potentially significant emissions should consider conducting detailed modeling to fully understand the risks posed at the facility boundary.
3.2 Mitigation Options flesigned to Control Air Emissions
Many factors can greatly affect the types of waste treated and the treatment methods employed at facilities across the country. The following sections identiI’ and describe typically used waste treatment methods and offer mitigation options to decrease the potential impacts associated with volatile organic emissions to the air. In general. facilities have four basic options available for reducing exposure to waste components released from the facility. Each of the fbllowing apply to the variety of diitrent treatment and disposal options:
• Alter the operational waste management practices at the facility:
• Change the properties of the waste prior to treatment:
• Physically change the treatment process: and/or
• Change the distance to potentially exposed populations.
Each of these is discussed below within the context of the various treatment and disposal options.
3.3 Mitigation Options For Aerated Surface Irnpoundnients
This section provides suggested methods fix reducing exposure to waste component emissions from both aerated surface impoundments (such as those used in hybrid land treatment) and traditional land treatment units. Although the specific suggestions described arc not exhaustive, they address several mitigation options designed to significantly decrease volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions.
3.3.1 Altering the uperalional Practices at the facility
Several operational practices may affect the rate of emissions from aerated surface impoundments and land treatment units. The most significant factor in the emission rate is the concentration of VOCs in the incoming waste stream.


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