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API MPMS 12.2.5:2001(2016) pdf download

API MPMS 12.2.5:2001(2016) pdf download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 12—Calculation of Petroleum Quantities Section 2—Calculation of Petroleum Quantities Using Dynamic Measurement Methodsand Volumetric Correction Factors Part 5—Calculation of Base Prover Volume by Master Meter Method.
b. Proving the meter between each field prover calibration run allows for some drift in the master meter factor when- making up to six consecutive calibration runs. This could be beneficial when calibrating large provers in flowing conditions that change over a period of time. While the MMFruri and MMFswp around each calibration run must he within a range of 0.020%. the first MMFsiart does not necessarily have to agree with the last MMF .:op. For companson of standard versus alternate mithods, see Table 12.
10 Correction Factors
In the master meter calibration procedure. the volume indicated by the master meter must be subjected to certain corrections in order to determine the base soluine of the prover.
Calculations in this publication are based on determining a prover’s base volume by master meter. Corrections are made for:
a. The effects of thermal expansion of the liquid in the ma.s1cr meter and the prover under calibration.
b. The effect of thennal expansion of the steel in the proer under cal ibrat ion.
c. The compressibility of the liquid in the prover under calibration.
d. The elastic distortion of the prover under calibration due to pressure.
Correction for the temperature effects on the steel prover are combined and discussed in the following sections.
10.1.1 General
10.1 .1 .1 The liquid’s density shall be determined by appropriate technical standards or if necessary proper correlations or equations of state. If multiple parties are involved in the measurement, the method selected for determining the liquids densities shall be mutually agreed upon by all concerned. Appendix A, contains a list of recommended liquid versus APT correlations in accordance with API’s position paper dated I 9X I. Where an API correlation doesn’t currently exist, the appropriate ASTM standard has been provided to assist the user community. Liquid dcnsity correction factors are employed to account for changes in density due to the effects of temperature and prcssurc upon the liquid. These correction Lictors are:
10.1.2 Correction for Effect of Temperature on Liquid (CTL) If a volume of petroleum liquid is subjected to a change in temperature. its density will decrease as he temperature rises, or increase as the emperature falls. This density change is proportional to the thermal coefficient of expansion oldie liquid and the liquid temperature. The correction factor for the effect of temperature on the liquid’s density is called (‘71. The (TL factor is a function of the liquid’s base density (RilOb) and the liquid’s temperature (7’). Appendix A contains assistance in determining an appropriate reference, to enable the correct (CTL) for the liquid involved to be determined.
10.1.3 Correction for Compressibility on the Liquid (CPL) 11 a volume of petroleum liquid is subjected to a change in pressure, it’s density will increase as the pressurc increases, and decrease as the pressure decreases. This density change is proportional to the compressibility factor (F) of the liquid, which depends upon its base density and thc liquid temperature. The correction factor for the effect of compressibility on liquid density is called (CPL). References to the appropriate standards for the compressibility factor F, may be found in API MPMS Chapter 1l.2J, APi MPMS Chapter 11.2.2 and Appendix A of this siandani. CPL can be expressed as follows.


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