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API MPMS 17.1:2008 pdf download

API MPMS 17.1:2008 pdf download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 17—Marine Measurement Section 1—Guidelines for Marine Cargo lnspection.
If manual and/or automatic shore tank measurements are taken, show a comparison with metered volumes. If volumes cannot be reconciled, recheck meter factors, shore tank measurements, and calculations. Report all results in the inspection report.
7.3 Vessel Inspection
7.3.1 VEF
Data on previous voyages must be obtained for use in calculating the VEF (See API/El Procedure for Calculating VEFs in API PAPPAS Ch. 17.911P HM 49) Record any comments about previous vessetlshore comparisons contained in the vessels records, The VEF may be used for volume reconciliation,
7.3.2 Draft, Trim, and List
Record the draft. trim, and list When barges have no list or trim correction tables, refer to API MPMS Ch. 12.1.1.
7.3.3 Remaining Ballast
For most cargoes. there should be no ballast remaining in the cargo tanks, lines, or pumps. Any ballast on board should be totally segregated. Measure and record the quantity of any ballast left on board prior to loading. Record the presence of and sample any measurable petroleum in ballast tanks. If simultaneous deballasting must be performed duflng loading operations, determine the reason from the vessel’s representative and record it on the inspection report. Indicate singleldouble valve separations. if any, between clean/dirty ballast and cargo systems.
7.3.4 Vessel LInes and Tanks
All vessel tanks, including cargo, ballast, and cofferdams, should be inspected pflorto loading.
Before measuring the vessel, request that the vessel lines be drained. Caution should be exercised on multigrade cargoes in order to avoid commingling the line contents of different products. Measure the amount of cargo or ballast water dropped into the tank and sample it if a sufficient quantity exists. In addition, record the capacity of the lines that were drained. Report the transfer of any engine-mom slops or other liquid into the cargo or slop tanks.
If the previous cargo poses a contamination problem, all lines and pumps should be cleaned thoroughly and drawied. Note on the Inspection report how cleaning and draining was accomplished.
When the vessel Is inspected for tank acceplability prior to loading, tank Inspection should be performed in accordance with API MPMS Ch. 17.8.
7.3.5 080 Measurement
Obtain and record reference heights from the calibration tables prior to taking opening gauges and water cuts. Record the observed gauge heights; and, Investigate and report any discrepancies. Determine the amount and nature of any material on board (080) prior to loading, including all li-transit cargo and material in non-designated cargo spaces (refer to API MPMS Ch. 17.2). Describe and report the 080 and/or FW (see 7.3.8 for slop tanks).
7.3.6 080 Volume Calculation
The OBO)ROB Report is to be completed prior to loading. Determine the 080 as specified in API PAPPAS Ch. 17.4.
a) For liquid material and water, use a wedge formula if the liquid does not touch all the bulkheads of the vessel’s compartments. Use tnrn/list corrections if the liquid is in contact with all bulkheads in the compartment.
b) For non-liquid material. multipoint gauging is recommended to determine if a wedge condition exists. Since the wedge formula uses a trim factor to determine the quantity, an accurate calculation will not be possible without knowing the trim of the vessel at the time the material solidified. If the material measured is not a wedge, the average of the multiple readings should be used for volume detem,ioation, However, if only one gauge point is available, the material shall be assumed to be evenly distributed over the tank bottom.
NOTE For additional information refer to API MPMS Ch. 17.4.
1.3.7 OBO Sampling
When 080 is accessible, samples shall be obtained from all compartments containing liquid volume. An attempt should also be made to sample non liquid volumes, Samples taken should be in sufficient quantity to permit any requWed analysis. Samples shall be taken in accordance with API MPMS CIt. 8.
7.3.8 Slop Tanks
Measure the contents of slop tanks to determine the interface and the separate quantities of FW and slop oil. Take the temperature of and sample the ody layer. Take a separate sample of the water layer. Determine the API gravtty and the S&W content of the oily layer sample and record the results. Compute the quantities: if any slops are to be commingled with the subsequent cargo, they are to be treated as 080 and recorded app.’opnatety.
7.3.9 OBO T.mp.ratures
Temperatures shall be obtalned, recorded and used for cargo volume correction whenever depth of material is sufficient and the nature of the material permits. If the temperature cannot be measured, the GOV shaM be reported as GSV.
Temperature measurements shall be obtained in accordance with API MPMS Ch. 7 and API MPMS Ch. 172. 7.3.1 0 Sea Valves
Confirm in the presence of the vessel’s personnel that sea valves and overboard discharge valves are In the dosed position and sealed before loading commences. Seal valves to the extent possible, so as to be able to determine whether they were used dunng loading. Record the seal numbers.


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