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API MPMS 19.3D:2001(2012) pdf download

API MPMS 19.3D:2001(2012) pdf download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 19.3—Evaporative Loss Measurement Part D—Fugitive Emission Test Method for the Measurement of Deck-Seam Loss Factors for Internal Floating-Roof Tanks.
72.2 Air Temperature Control System
‘The lest roam shall have a dedicated leniperature eontnl system 14w niamtaimiig the air temperature within the test ,iwrni. The test room may also hase a dedicated heater and air conditioner,
72.3 CirculatIon Fan
The test room shall be equipped with a tan that circulates the air within the rest mimi to reduce air temperature variations in the test room.
72.4 Test Enclosure Inlet Air
The air that is directed into the test enclosure may be drawn 1mm the air inside of the Lest mom.
72.5 Access Doors
The test mom shall be equipped with an equipment access door that is large enough La permit installation or removal of a Lest assembly. The tcst room may also he equipped with a smaller personnel access door to provide access to thc instrumentation and data acquisition system. as well as to permit inspection of the test assembly during the test period.
figure .4 illustrates a tcst assembly. which consists 01 a test pun. test deck seam or test deck joint, lest enclosure, and test liquid.
7.3.1 Test Pan
The test pan is of rectangular shape and incorporates a top deck that simulates the deck of an internal floating roof The test pan incaqxwratcs a fill connection and a drain connection for usc in tilling or draining tcst liquid (nan the test pan. The test pan shall be long enough to permit installation of a test deck seam that is a minimum at’ 10 feet bug.
The Lest pan may incoqsiralc multiple test deck scams. When multiple test dcck scams ale installed on the top deck of the test pan. there shall lie a minimum spacing of at least 1 foot between the centers of adjacent test deck scams, There shall also he a minimum spacing of I foot from the longitudi. nat edge of the test pan to the adjacent test deck seam.
The test pan shall be equipped with a sent connection that permits the rest pen vapor space abase the test liquid to oper. ale at near atmospheric pressure. The vent connection may be connected to a sent pipe than estends outside of the test room,
The test pun shall be equipped with a thcnnocouple that pennits measuring the temperature of the rest liquid during the test period.
l’he test pan may rest on any suitable surface, but its positiiin shall be adjusted to insure that the level of the test liquid is essentially the same throughout the test pan relative to the position of the test deck seams or test deck joints. When testing deck seams or deck joints that normally contact the liquid product in a floating roof tank, the level of the test liquid and the position of the test pan shall he adjusted to insure that all portions of the test deck seam or test deck joint contact the test liquid in the same manna as occurs in normal service.
7.32 Test Deck Seam
To measure the deck-seam loss factor of a specific type of deck seam, the deck seam to be tested shall he mounted on the top deck of the test pan using the assemhly and installation procedures that are nonnally used for the deck scam, as specified by the deck seam manufacturer. The only exception to the use of normal installation procedures involves the end joints where the test deck seam intersects the ends of the test pan. If these end joints are not contained within the test enclosure, their construction may be selected to facilitate installation of the test deck seam on the top deck of the test pan.
The surfaces of the test deck seam shall he clean and free of oil or other matenals that may alTect the deck-seam loss factor test results.
7.3.3 Test Deck Joint
To measure the deck-joint loss factor of a specihc type of deck joint the deck joint to he tested shall be mounted on the top surface of the test pan using the assembly and installation procedures that are normally used for the deck joint, as specified by the deck joint manufacturer. The test deck joints shall he incorporated into the ponion of the deck seam that is contained within the test enclosure.


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