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API MPMS 4.9.1:2022 pdf download

API MPMS 4.9.1:2022 pdf download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 4.9.1.
5 Types of Meter Provers
5.1 General
The following describes the most common types of provers. See other sections of API MPMS Chapter 4111 for additional detail on prover design.
5.2 Displacement Type Unidirectional Provers with Free Displacers
These types of unidirectional provers may be subdivided into the following two categories depending on the manner in which the displacer is handled:
— unidirectional sphere provers with electromechanical detectors and manual return;
— unidirectional sphere provers with electromechanical detectors and circulating return.
The manual-return unidirectional prover, sometimes referred to as the measured distance, is an elementary form of an in-line prover that uses a section of pipeline as the prover section. Prover detector switches that define the calibrated volume of the prover section are placed at selected points along the pipeline. A displacer- launching device is placed upstream from the prover section, and receiving facilities are installed at some point downstream from the prover section. Conventional launching and receiving scraper traps are usually used for this purpose. To make a proving wn, a displacer is launched and allowed to displace the reference volume before being received downstream and manually transported back to the launching site. This type of prover is no longer in common use.
The circulating-return unidirectional type prover has evolved from the prover described above. In a unidirectional ball displacer type prover design, the piping is arranged so that the downstream end of the loop crosses over and above the upstream end of the looped section. The interchange is the means by which the displacer is transferred from the downstream to the upstream end of the loop without being removed from the prover. The displacer detectors are located inside the looped portion at a suitable distance from the interchange. Unidirectional prover loops may be automated or manually operated.
5.3 Displacement Type Bidirectional Provers with Free Displacers
— bidirectional sphere provers with electromechanical detectors;
— bidirectional piston provers with electromagnetic detectors and check valves;
5 Types of Meter Provers
5.1 General
The following describes the most common types of provers. See other sections of API MPMS Chapter 4111 for additional detail on prover design.
5.2 Displacement Type Unidirectional Provers with Free Displacers
These types of unidirectional provers may be subdivided into the following two categories depending on the manner in which the displacer is handled:
— unidirectional sphere provers with electromechanical detectors and manual return;
— unidirectional sphere provers with electromechanical detectors and circulating return.
The manual-return unidirectional prover, sometimes referred to as the measured distance, is an elementary form of an in-line prover that uses a section of pipeline as the prover section. Prover detector switches that define the calibrated volume of the prover section are placed at selected points along the pipeline. A displacer- launching device is placed upstream from the prover section, and receiving facilities are installed at some point downstream from the prover section. Conventional launching and receiving scraper traps are usually used for this purpose. To make a proving wn, a displacer is launched and allowed to displace the reference volume before being received downstream and manually transported back to the launching site. This type of prover is no longer in common use.
The circulating-return unidirectional type prover has evolved from the prover described above. In a unidirectional ball displacer type prover design, the piping is arranged so that the downstream end of the loop crosses over and above the upstream end of the looped section. The interchange is the means by which the displacer is transferred from the downstream to the upstream end of the loop without being removed from the prover. The displacer detectors are located inside the looped portion at a suitable distance from the interchange. Unidirectional prover loops may be automated or manually operated.
5.3 Displacement Type Bidirectional Provers with Free Displacers
— bidirectional sphere provers with electromechanical detectors;
— bidirectional piston provers with electromagnetic detectors and check valves.


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