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API PUBL 4712:2001 pdf download

API PUBL 4712:2001 pdf download.Characterization of Fine Particulate Emission Factors and Speciation Profiles from Stationary Petroleum Industry Combustion Sources.
A modified version of SCAQMD Method 6.1 was used to measure SO in the stack gas due to expected low concentrations. Flue gas was extracted non-isokinetically and passed through impingers containing hydrogen peroxide. Figure 3-3 shows a schematic of the Method 6 sampling train.
Total particulate. PMIO and PM2.5 filterable at stack temperature were determined using in- stack methods. CPM. delincd as the material collected in chilled impingers. also was measured lbr the in-stack samples.
In-Stack Total Filterable PM. PMI() and PM2.5
Two in-stack cyclones followed by an in-stack filter (Figure 3-4) were used to measure total particulate and particulate matter with nominal aerodynamic diameters less than or equal to 10 im (PM ID) and 2.5 .*m tPM2.5). EPA Method 201A, modified to accommodate the second cyclone, was used following the constant-rate sampling procedure. Sampling time was six hours br each of the three runs. The sample recovery field procedure is summariied in Figure 3-5. Sampling was performed as published except for the following modifications and clarifications:
A PMIO cyclone and a PM2.5 cyclone (Andersen Model Case-PM 10 and Case-PM2.5) were attached in series to the tiher inlet. Sample recovery procedures were modified accordingly;
The sample was collected from a single traverse point near the center of the stack to preserve the integrity of the dilution tunnel method comparison. It was assumed that any particulate present was small enough to mix aerodynamically in the same manner as a gas: therefore, the magnitude of the particle concentration profile was asstiiued to be no greater than the gas concentration profile. Quartz filters were used. The filters were preconditioned in the same manner as those used in the dilution tunnel, as described below; and
• A modified filter assembly was employed in an effort to improve the precision of the gravimetric analysis for low particulate concentration. An o-ring. a filter and a filter support were all placed together in an aluminum foil pouch and weighed as a unit. Post-test all three components were recovered together into the same foil pouch to prevent negative bias due to filter breakage.
The particulate mass collected in the two cyclones and on the filter was determined gravimetrically (Figure 3-6). The (iltcrsPallt1ex No. 51575) were weighed before and after testing on an analytical balance with a sensitivity of 10 micrograms. In an effort to improve the accuracy and precision of the gravimetric results, the fillers, filter support and Viton 0-ring seals were weighed together to minimize post-test loss of filter matter during sample recovery. Preand post-test weighing was performed after drying the filters in a dessicator for a minimum of 72 hours: repeat weighings were then performed at a minimum of 6-hour intervals until constant weight was achieved. Probe and cyclone acetone rinses were recovered in glass sample jars for storage and shipment. then transferred to tared Tetlon! beaker liners for evaporation and weighing. Acetone and filter blanks also were collected and analyzed. See Section 4 for discussion of data treatment.
Subsequent to the planning of these tests, EPA published preliminary method PRE-4, entitled Test Protocol PCA PMIOIPM2.5 Emission Factor and Chemical Characterization Testing’ (U.S. EPA, 1999b). This proocol. developed by the Portland Cement Association (PCA). is intended for use by Portland cement plants o measure PMIO and PM2.5 emission factors applicable to a variety of particulate sources. Method PRE-4 describes substantially the same sampling equipment and sample collection procedures used in these tests. The analytical procedures diffcr in thc scope of chcmical analyses performed: Method PRE.4 cites Method 202 for measurement of CPM, which includes analyses for inorganic and organic CPM mass, sulfate and chloride only. The analyses performed in these tests go beyond the requirements of Method 202 to further speciate the CPM by analysis for anions. calions. metals and VOCs, as described below.


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