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API Publ 4731:2003 pdf download

API Publ 4731:2003 pdf download.Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid(LNAPL) Parameters Database.
The default values for each new sample entered into the database are “no data aailahle” and the lest methods are “not applicable (N/A)”. Once the site_id, sample_id. and sample_name are entered in the sample ID area, the data availability and testing methods section should be completed. Leave the test method set to “N/A” if the particular data type is not available (or that sample (i.e. if there are no fluid tensions data, the test method is “N/A”). If a particular data type is asailuble br the sample. hut the testing method is unknown, set test method to a blank string (i.e.. ““).lf the lest procedure used in the analysis is known hut is not one of the values in the pick-list, note the sample number and leave the test method blank or with the default “N/A” value. In this situation, the user needs to add a new value to the pick-list return to this sample, and then change the test method to the appropriate value. Adding new standard values to the pick-lists is described in the next sect ion.
2.2.3 Adding new standard alues to pick-lists
The pick-lists values that are available in the database describe all of the parameters that have been entered to date. It is likely that as new data are added to the database, additional standard pick-list values will need to be included. To update one of the numerous pick-list sets, select the “Update Standard Values” tab (see Figure 14) with a left mouse-click on the tab area. This will bring up the standard values data cntry menu shown in Figure 18.
Fach of the test method data entry forms has two values that must be entered: a test name and a brief test description. Figure I 9a shows the data input form for capillary test procedures. Figure 19b shows the data entry form for fluid matrix values. This menu requires three input parameters: name, description, and sort order. The son order sets the order in which to display each entry in the pick-list menu. The default display order is alphabetical, which is somewhat inconvenient for this pick-list. If a user adds a new value to this list, and does not want to it to be displayed at the end of the list, the user must select an appropriate display order and then renumber all pick-list items of lower display priority. In other words, if you want a new entry to appear as item 5 in the pick-list, items 6-15 will need their sort order values increased by one. Tcsting states (Intrinsic. Effective. Native) and testing fluids (Air, Inert Oil. Mercury. Water arc single valued. New values can easily be entered using the appropriate data entry forms (not shown).
Note: The most common inert oil used in permeability testing is kerosene: however other inert oils could be used. The inert oil used in all data currently in the database is kerosene. If users wish to distinguish between various inert oils within the database, inert oil should be globally replaced with kerosene in the Samples table. Inert oil should then he replaced in the pick-list with kerosene.


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