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API RP 1109:2010 pdf download

API RP 1109:2010 pdf download.Marking Liquid Petroleum Pipeline Facilities.
5Pipeline Facility Marking Practice
5.1General Description, Use, and Placement of Signage
5.1.1 Signage can be found in various shapes, sizes, and designs.Permanent pipeline facility markers and signsare used to convey the following information to the public and emergency responders:
a) the presence of a liquid petroleum pipeline facility;
b) a potential hazard warning;
c) the contact telephone number of the pipeline operator for any of the following:1) to determine the location of the buried pipeline,
2y to receive authorization to cross or occupy the pipeline rights-of-way,3 to report emergencies relating to the pipeline or pipeline right-of-way.
5.1.2 Pipeline personnel may use pipeline markers, aerial markers and other signs to readily identify their pipeline,pipeline right of way,or crossing in the course of various day-to-day operation and maintenance activities oremergency response.
5.1.3 The placement of signage is dependent on the purpose, type of signage, and local conditions. When installingpipeline markers, for example , consideration should be given to installing them on each side of public roads, railroadcrossings fence lines, property lines, water crossings, above ground crossings, and other locations accessible to thepublic.When installing Aerial Markers, consideration should be given to terrain, land use adjoining the ROW,flightpath,and physical points along the ROW to be identified, such as P’s and main line—lateral take-offs. Whendetermining the frequency and spacing between markers,consideration should be given to land use,terrain,environment, population density, local ordinances, and other damage prevention considerations such as specialexcavation activity, one call law exemptions, and frequency of excavated related near misses.
f) size, shape, height, and weight of the pipelme marker assembly:
g) exposure to external forces such as wind, high water, currents, large livestock, or wildlife;
h) depth of pipeline to be marked.
Consideration shod also be given to attaching the message portion of any marker to pipeline vent pipes, fences, fence posts, or other existing posts to reduce the overall dutter at the site, provided that in the case of line markers. the requirements noted in 5.31 are mel
5.5.3 Aboveground markers should be sumdently elevated to allow them to be dearly viewed from a distance, and to allow them to remain visible above normal vegetation or snow accumulation. A rmnlmum height of 4 ft above grade Is recommended. The effect that agrIculture use andtor type of crops raised has on the visibilIty of the marker should be considered when determining the location and height of the marker.
5.5.4 When necessary, the post holes should be backfilled with concrete.
5.5.5 When rnstalhrig posts, caution should be exercised to avoid underground structures.
5.5.6 The bottom of posts may be modified or fined wim transverse members to Inhibit unaumorlzel removal or
election by frost heaving.
6 Aboveground Pipeline Facility Marking and Signage Practice
6.1 Pipelines
Pail 195 of 49 CR? reqares that line markers be installed at locations where the pipeline is aboveground in areas that
are accessible to the public.
6.2 Pipeline Facilities Signs
Pipeline facilities such as stations, terminals, tank farms, valves, metering, or pipeline junction manifolds should be marked with appropriate signage. Figure 8 shows examples of signs. These signs should contain the name of the pipeline operator with a telephone number, indudwig an area code, where the pipeline operator can be reached at all times arid the name of the facility. The signs may also contain other data, such as the type or name of the facility, a mailing address, instructions, prohibitions, and warnings.
6.3 Sign Placement
Pipeline facility signs should be placed on all sides of the facility accessible to the public, at the facility entrance or entrances, and ii sufficient numbers so that the facility is clearly identified
7 Inspections and Maintenance
The inspection, maintenance, and replacement of markers and signs should be a part of the pipeline operator’s regular maintenance procedures. Markers and signs, along with their supporting structures, should be maintained in their original state of effectiveness. Damaged, defaced, or missing markers and signs should be replaced. Markers and signs should not be obscured by vegetatlon Markers and signs whose effectiveness has been compromised by construction, damage, or fading should be relocated or replaced to restore effective marking.


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