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API RP 13B-2:2005 pdf download

API RP 13B-2:2005 pdf download.Recommended Practice for Field Testing of Oil-based Drilling Fluids.
9.3.2 Calculation
Base Alkalinity Demand 0.1 moth sodium hydroxide, cm (12)
9.4 Whole-drilling-fluId alkalinity
9,4.1 Procedure Add 100 cm3 of PNP solvent to a 400-an3 beaker or pint jar. Fill the 5- cm3 syringe with whole drilling fluid beyond the 3- cm3 mark. Displace 2.0 cm3 of whole drilling fluid into the beaker or pint jar. Swid the oil-based drilling fluid and solvent until the mixture is homogeneous. Add 200 cm3 of distilled (or deionased) water. If no filtration is needed, skip to (Optional filtration) Stir the mixture for 5 mm with a magnetic stirrer such that the vortex is one-liall the liquid height.
a) Pour the mixture into an API Low-temperalureilow-pressure filter press fitted with filter paper.
b) Close the cell and appty 690 kPa (100 ps4) pressure. Do not use CO2 cartridges or other CO2 bottles as the pressure source.
C) Collect all the filtrate in a clean beaker until the cell blows dry.
d) Use all the filtrate and continue with
9.41.7 Add 15 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution (9.2 c)l. While stirring with a magnetic stirrer such that the vortex is one-half the liquid height, titrate immediately with 0,1 mothi sulphuric acid until pink colour just disappears.
NOTE 1 The stirring technique Is Important because more vigorous stwrlng will produce erroneous results
NOTE 2 It may be necessary to stop the stirring of the mixture and allow separation of the two phases in order to more clearly see the colour in the aqueous phase. Continue stirring for 5 miii. If no pink colour reappears, the end point has been reached. If a pink colour returns, return to Record the volume of 0,1 moUl sulfuric acid (so4)’ in millilitres. Use the volume of 0,1 molIl sulfuric acid solution, expressed in millilitres, required to reach the end point in to calculate the whole-drilling-fluid alkalinity.
10.3.4 Reconnect the electrode probe to the ES meter and repeat the voltage ramp test in air, Again, the ES reading should reach the maximum permitted voltage. If not, the electrode probe and connector may need to be cleaned or replaced.
10.3.5 Repeat the voltage ramp test with the electrode probe In tap water. The ES reading should not exceed
3 V. If ES does exceed 3 V. either clean the electrode probe, or replace it.
10.3.6 Check the accuracy of the ES meter with the standard resistors and/or Zener diodes (see NOTE under
10.2.3). The ES readings should fall within 2,5 % (combied uncertainty of meter and resistor/diodes) of the expected values. If any of the ES readings fall outside this range, the instrument should be returned to the supplier for adjustment or repair.
NOTE This subclause 10.3. does not check waveform, AC frequency or ramp rate. l4ave the ES meter and etectrode probe penoctically checkect by a qualified technlcler to ensure that both units meel an speahcatons.
10.4 Electrical stability measurements
10.4.1 Verify equipment calibration/performance as described in 10.3.
104.2 Screen the dnlling fluid sample through a Marsh funnel.
10.4.3 Place the drilling fluid sample in a vscometer cup maintained at 50 C ± 2 C (120 F ± 5 F). Record the dnlling fluid temperature.
10.4.4 Clean the electrode probe body thoroughly by wiping with a clean paper towel. Pass the towel through the electrode gap a few times. Swirl the electrode probe in the base oil used to formulate the drilling fluid. If the base oil is not available, another oil or a mild solvent, such as isopropanol, is acceptable. Clean and dry the electrode probe as before.
NOTE Do not use detergent solutions or aromatic solvents, such as xytene, 10 clean the electrode probe or cable.
10.4.5 Kand-stir the 50 C (120 F) sample with the electrode probe for approximately 10 s to ensure that the composition and temperature of the drilling fluid ai’e uniform. Position the electrode probe so that it does not touch the bottom or sides of the container, and be sure that the electrode surfaces are completely covered by the sample.
10.4.6 Begin the voltage ramp test. Follow the procedure described in the ES meter operating manual. Do not move the electrode probe during the voltage ramp test
10.4.7 At the conclusion of the ramp test, note the ES value displayed on the readout device,
10.4.8 Repeat the procedure with the same drilling fluid sample. The two ES values should not differ by more than 5 %. If they differ by more than 5 %, check the meter or electrode probe for malfunction.
10.4.9 Record the average of the two ES measurements.
11 LIme, salinity and solids calculations
11.1 Principle
11.1.1 Equations In this procedure allow calculations of the content of the following components for an oil-based drilling fluid:
a) lime, expressed as Ca(OH)2, in the whole drilling fluid.


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