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API RP 13K:2022 pdf download

API RP 13K:2022 pdf download.Chemical Analysis of Barite.
5.2 Reagents and Materials
WARNING Concentrated acids (hydrochloric or sulfuric) are strong, potentially harmful acids. Use proper safety precautions when handling them.
5.2.1 DeIonized or distilled water shall be in accordance with ISO 3696 of at least Grade Ill.
Use deionized or distilled water for preparation of all reagents and calibration standards and as dilution water.
5.2.2 Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) (GAS No. 497-19-8), anhydrous, ACS grade powder.
5.3.13 Filter paper, grade 40 or equivalent, quantitative, ashless, medium filtration rate, circle 110 mm.
5.3.14 Filter paper, grade 541 8 or equivalent, quantitative, hardened, ash-less, fast filtration rate, circle 110 mm.
5.3.15 Volumetric flasks, to contain (TC), two, 250 mL.
5.3.16 Annealing cups, two, typical capacity 15 mL (diameter 35 mm, height 25 mm).
5.3.17 Desiccator.
5.3.18 Volumetric pipette, to deliver (TD), one 10 mL.
5.3.19 Medicine droppers. two.
5.4 Sampling
Use a representative sample ground such that 100 % passes through the 150 urn sieve (see 5.3.2).
5.5 Procedure—Barium Sulfate Determination
The following procedure shall be applied to determine barium sulfate mass concentration.
a) Accurately weigh a 1.0 g representative barite sample to 0.00 1 g (1 mg). Record sample mass, expressed in g, as in.
NOTE It is advisable to perform this analysis in duplicate. If this is done, a slightly smaller sample, e.g. 0.80 g to 0.001 g (1 mg), of barite may be used to check accuracy and precision of this procedure.
b) Transfer sample to a 25 mL platinum crucible containing 6.0 g ±0.1 g Na2CO3. Mix thoroughly with stirring rod. Cover the mixture with an additional 2.0 g ±0.1 g Na2CO3.
c) Fuse for I h at 1000 °C (1830 °F) in the muffle furnace. Have a crucible lid on cwcible during fusion. NOTE When beginning the fusion, the furnace may be hot or cold.
d) Remove from furnace with crucible tongs and while contents are still molten, give a slow rotary motion so that melt will spread over the sides and solidify as a thin shell over the interior. This procedure later facilitates the removal of the contents.
WARNING Use proper safety precautions while handling hot crucible and melt.
e) Allow to cool. Place crucible and lid in a 250 mL beaker containing 150 rnL deionized water. Digest on warm hot plate until melt has completely disintegrated and can easily be removed from crucible.
NOTE Digesting overnight is preferable.
f) Remove the crucible from beaker with rubber policeman and wash inside and out with distilled water. Remove
crucible lid and wash also.
‘ This grade 40 filter paper is a calendared, hardened, quantitative, ashless filter paper made from high-quality cotton linters designed for medium filtration rate and retention.


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