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API RP 13L:2003 pdf download

API RP 13L:2003 pdf download.Recommended Practice for Training and Qualification of Drilling Fluid Technologists.
4 Principle
This docunsent is a recommended practice kPl and seeks to formalize the specific knowledge base. professional skill’. and application skills needed to ensure the competency and pro1es’oonalisni of individuals working in the drilling fluids indu-ors. Drilling fluids technologists should use this RP a. an outline to self-determine any gaps in learning and seek to improve their skills. A company contracting the senice of a drilling fluids technologist should use this recommended practice as a checklist of knowledge that a technologist should be able to demonstt-ace proficiency in applying.
5 Procedure
The drilling fluids disciplines arid sub-disciplines were
deseloped from a review of the typical cumcula followed by drilling fluids senice compunies in their busic mud school, flie topics as listed in Appendis A west used as a framework for developing the guidelines chat form the norniative portion of this standard Each sub-discipline was divided into appropriate tasks and chose tasks were assigned breath of knowledge statements needed to obtain minimum competency. The drilling fluid technologist discipline is broken into sis sub- disciplines and eah sub-discipline is described by tasks and specilic skills to demonstrate proliciency and knowledge in that task. For ease of reading. the tasks and skill set art placed in a table format.
API Spec 13A and ISO 13500. Specifications for Drilling Fluid Materials, provide specifications for drilling fluid material. Two documents cover the field testing procedures for tests included on the drilling mud report form.
• Describe the rebuonships among pore pressure. depth, and holc size, with respeti to casing setting decisions.
• Calculate hole volumes, flow rates, and circulating times,
• Draw a schematic of a welibore. properly labeled
• Calculate total volumes. volumeidcpth. and retention time.
• Diagram a ng tank setup for proper micing. settling, and flow.
• Describe the functioning of a rig mud pump.
• Calculate pump output.
• Usc a viscorneter to measure the shear stresses at various shear rates.
• Calculate the commonly measured rhcologicai properties.
• Describe the commonly used drilling fluid. rheological mathematical models
• Plot viscosity versus shear rate and determine effective viscosities.
• Describe the use and limitations of the API Funnel Viscosity.
• Describe bow and which ‘iscosity measurements relate to hole cleaning.
• Calculate pressure drops for each annubr seCtiOn.
• Calculate the Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD).
• Calculate the cuttings transport efficiency.
• Calculate the relationship of drilling fluid viscosity to surge and swab pressures. solids suspension. and weight material sag. Define each of’ these terms.
• Use the API reftwl to measure the water, oil and solids content in a drilling fluid.
• Describe the causes of solids buildup.
• Mca Lilt the MBT and calculate the equivalent concentration ot bentonite.
• Calculate the low gravity and high gravity solids in fresh water, salt water, oil-based, and synthetic- based fluid,
• Describe the relationship between solids contern in a drilling fluid and the API Plastic Viscosity and Yield Poiat.
• Calculate the drilled solids to bentonite ratio and describe us significance.
• Calculate a material balance verification of the primary solids analysis calculations.
• Describe ss4iy adequate solids coniml on the rig is important.
• List the size classification of solids in a drilling fluid.
• List the typical types of drilled solids.
• [ispbin the important of particle size distribution and solids surface area.
• Explain the economic impotlancelimpact of dilution in drilling fluids.
• List the types of solids control equipment normally found on a drilling rig.
• Draw a diagram placing each type of solids control equipment in proper sequence br both an unighted mud and a weighted mud (water- and oil-based) and in its proper place in the rig pit system to assure sequential processing.
• Describe the concept of full How processing.
• Describe the importance of shale shakers and screen sizes.
• Describe the relationship between screen mesh designation. wire diameter, screen opening dimenaons on cut point, and screen life.
• Describe drilling fluid loss and its effect on drilling fluids and the drilling operation.
• Use the API low pressure and l-fl’NP filter presses to obtain filtrate data.
• Plot a filtrate versus square root of Lime fluid kiss grapK
• Describe spurt loss and constant rate filtration.
• Explain the concept of permeability and porosity.
• Describe the difference between static and dynamic filtration.
• List the factors that control filtration in drilling fluids.
• Describe the causes and types of lost circulation.


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