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API RP 1543:2009 pdf download

API RP 1543:2009 pdf download.Documentation, Monitoring and Laboratory Testing of Aviation Fuel During Shipment from Refinery to Airport.
release certificate
This document suppcwts any transfer of product, confirming compliance with the relevant specification(s), and contains at least the following information (see Annex C and Annex 0 for use by road or rail transport, and Annex E for pipeline or marine ves5el) below
a) Date and time of transfer.
b) Grade of fuel.
C) Batch number and batch API Gravity at 60 °F (density at 15 C) of the product in the tank(s) from which ii originated If more than one batch is being included in any shipment then the quantity from each batch is required to be slated on the release document.
NOTE 15 C is the inlemnationaly accepted temperature for conversion to standard temperature conditions, but some areas are required to e 20 C (68 F).
d) Confirmation that the storage tanks and ftrabon (where apphcable) have been sumped and are free of visible water.
a) Signature of person authonzed to release the product.
upper sample
A sample obtained from the middle depth of the upper third of the tank contents.
4 Contamination of Aviation Fuels
Aviation fuel can become contaminated dLa’ing transport resulting ii product that is isisuitable for use. Contamination can anse from other products and from additives (e.g. static dissipater, corrosion inhitor, drag reducing additives (DRAs)J used in other products, which can affect fuel properties even in extremely small concentrations. Wherever contanimation of this nature can occur (nondedicated transport or nonsegregated storage), recertification testrig shall be performed to confrm that the fuel was delivered on specification with no tagnificant dianges to any of the properties. It is miporlant that the results of the quality checks (see Annex A and Annex B for minimum requirements) are compared with the results from the refinery certificate of quality (RQC) or most recent certificate of analysis (COA) to determine if contamination has ocairred. It is not sufficient to compare results against the specification limits alone
Water is an ever-present contaminant Mi aviation fuel, Water will be present in solution (dissolved) and as free (undissolved) water The higher the temperature of the fuel the more dissolved water the fuel can hold [at 60 F (15 °C)J jet fuel can contain up to 80 parts per million (ppm) water. As the fuel temperature drops dissolved water may drop out of solution and can cause the fuel to appear cloudy. Water in solution cannot be detected by eye or chemical reaction (e.g. synnge and capsule detector or Agua.Gb 5), and cannot be removed by settling or filtration. Jet fuel containing dissolved water will appear c1ear and beght.”
Free water will appear as drops or as a layer on the bottom of the tank or sample container (bulk water) or as very fine droplets distributed throughout the fuel (suspended water). Bulk water and suspended water can be detected by visual examination of a sample; suspended water generally giving the fuel a hazy or milky appearance Low concentrations of suspended water may not be detected visually [a number of methods exist for the detection of suspended water at low concentrations in Jet Fuel (e.g. the Velcon Hydrokit Shell Water Detector 5and the Gammon Aqua-Glo 5) (ASTM D3420)).
6.2 Refinery
62.1 General
After the storage tank In the refinery has received aviation fuel to the capacity as determined by the refinery It shall be segregated from the production unit(s) and all other transfer lines, tested for compliance with the applicable fuel speofication and a RQC issued by the refinery.
If product is moved within the refinery between storage tanks, pnor to shp’nent out of the refinery, it shall be batched after each movement If the movement within the refinery is through a grade dedicated and segregated piping system, then no laboratory testing is required but a control check shaH be performed on an upper, middle and lower sample of each tank to check for Layermg. An additional storage tank composite sample shall be prepared and a contrd test performed to determine the new batch API Gravity for that tank.


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