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API RP 49:2001(2013) pdf download

API RP 49:2001(2013) pdf download.Recommended Practice for Drilling and well Servicing Operations Involving Hydrogen Sulfide.
All personnel working in an area where concelurations of hydrogen sulfide or sulfur dioxide may exceed the action levels should be provided with training prior to beginning the work assignmem. All employers, whether operator, contractor, or subcontractor, shall be responsible for the training and instruction of their own employees. Personnel assigned to work in areas where they may be exposed to hydrogen sulfide or sulfur dioxide should he trained by a hydrogen sulfide safety instructor.
The value of training and per)cxlic drills in oil and gas well drilling, servicing and workover operations cannot be over cmphasizeL The uniqucncss or complexity of a specific operation will determine the extent of training deemed necessary for the assigned personnel. However, the following elements arc considered a minimum level of training for personnel assigned to the operations:
a. The ha,ards, characteristics, and properties of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide.
b. Sources of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide.
c. Proper use of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide detection methods used at the workplace.
d. Recognition of. and proper response to. the warning signals initiated by hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide detection systems in use at the workplace.
e . Symptoms of hydrogen sulfide exposure; symptoms of sulfur dioxide exposure
1. Rescue techniques and first aid to victims of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide exposure.
g. Proper use and maintenance of breathing equipment for working in hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide atmospheres, as appropriate theory and hands-on practice, with demonstrated proficiency (29 CFR Part 1910.134).
h. Workplace practices and relevant maintenance procedures that have been established to protect personnel from the hatanis of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide.
i. Wind direction awareness and routes of egress.
j. Confined space and enclosed facility entry procedures (if applicable).
k. Emergency response procedures that have been developed for the facility or operations.
I. Locations and use of safety equipment.
m. Locations of safe briefing areas.
Those personnel assigned supervising responsibilities at the site shall have additional training in the following dcments;
a. Supervisor responsibilities of the contingency plan.
h. Effects of hydrogen sulfide on components of the hydrogen sulfide handling system.
c. The importancc of drilling fluid treating plans prior to encountering hydrogen sulfide.
Hydrogen sulfide safety instructors are persons who have:
a. Successfully completed a course in hydrogen sulfide instructor training: or
h. Received equivalent instruction from a company-designated hydrogen sulfide safety instructor/trainer.
A rccurnng training program shall be implemented to maintain proficiency of all hydrogen sulfide sakly instructors.
Prior to entering a potentially haiardous area. visitors and other non-essential personnel shall be briefed on route(s) of egress. emergency assembly area(s), applicable warning signals. and how to respond in the event of an emergency, including usc of personal protective equipment. it required. These personnel may be allowed in potentially hazardous areas only in the presence ol trained personnel, after being briefed on emergency action and evacuation procedures. In the event of an emergency. these personnel shall be immediately evacuated.
Dates, instructors, attendees, and subjects for all personnel training sessions shall be documented and appropriate records should be retained for a minimum of I year.
6 Detection Equipment and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
This section describes detection equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) that can be used in oil and gas drilling and well servicing and workiwer operations where the work area atmospheric concentration of hydrogen sulfide could exceed the action levels of 10 ppm of hydrogen sulfide or 2 ppm of sulfur dioxide. In addition to providing personal protective equipment.personnel should be trained in the selection, use, cleaning. inspection, and maintenance of the PPI.


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