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API RP 554-1:2007 pdf download

API RP 554-1:2007 pdf download.Process Control SystemsPart 1—Process Control Systems Functions and Functional specification Development.
The topics addressed in this section identify many of the business related requirements that a Process Control System may have to address. However, these functions should be justified against a specific business need. The economic drivers for a Process Control System vary widely with the business requirements. Some of the more common economic issues are:
• Safety of the overall plant operation.
• Accuracy and repeatability of Process Control System operation and dynamic pertbrmance.
• Maintenance costs, spare parts availability and support availability.
• Reliability of thc Proccss Control System and its impacts upon process availability.
• Flexibility to allow expansion, modification and improvements.
• Functions to support business dcmands such as data collection and reporting. computing of key performancc indicators and similar ftmctions.
• Operation efficiency through improved operator and maintenance interfaces.
• Strategic business issues associated with development and support of new and developing process control, measurement and communications technologies.
Prior to the start of detailed engineering, a conceptual design of the Process Control System should be clearly documented in a Process Control System conceptual design basis that is reviewed and approved.
This process requires a working knowledge of the content of this recommended practice and an understanding of company business philosophy and the specific project business objectives. In addition, any management guidelines or existing company standards, practices. procedures. infrastructure, etc. should be identified as applicable or not.
A fundamental issue with defmition of the conceptual design of a Process Control System is to define the functions that the system must provide and how it interacts with other systems and functions, either existing or planned. This conceptual design definition will identify the Process Control System boundaries.
Development of the conceptual design basis for a Process Control System requires inputs from a number of different functional areas. These are listed below and discussed in more detail in the following sections.
• Corporate standards and practices.
• Operations.
• Maintenance.
• Engineering.
• Business planning and scheduling.
• Environmental.
• Process safety management.
• Information technology.
2.3.1 Corporate Standards and Practices
Corporate or local standards and practices may dictate what Process Control System alternatives make economic and practical sense for a particular application. While existing standards and practices can be a very helpful guide in assessing the scope of a Process Control System, careful consideration must also be given to advances in process control technology since the standards and practices were established.
The questions listed below should be considered during development of Process Control System scope. As the analysis progresses. other related local issues may also be applicable. Is there a facility master plan fur automation that determines the basic system architecture and the support functions that are available or to be supplied? Is there an overall migration plan for adoption of new technologies? What are the applicable existing plant or corporate standards or procedures that apply? Does the new control system design have to match existing installations? Does the projected useful life of existing installations justify continuing with the technology, or is a general upgrade of technology justitied by business needs’? Arc there other existing installation or infrastructure issues that must be considered’? Operational Issues
• How are process uni operations divided among operators? What are the risk areas? Should each risk area be controlled by a set of HMI. controller and subsystems? I-low many HMIs are required per unit? Is backup coverage of unit operations required among HMIs?
• How are operating procedures for normal and abnormal situations documented and accessed? Is it desirable to automate certain procedures, due to complexity or other considerations?


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