API RP 591:2008 pdf download
API RP 591:2008 pdf download.Process Valve Qualification Procedure.
o) gasket dinensions:
p) port opening (flow-way, bore or seat ring inside diameters);
q) backseat inskle diameter and finish for gate and globe valves:
r) bonnet joint dimensions (where applicable); and
s) stem cylindncity, run-out and straightness.
6.4.3 MI valve pals shall be visually examined to confirm and document the following, as applicable:
a) markings are as specified Mi ASME?ASTM and the applicable API valve standard and match corresponding mill test reports:
b) identification plate markings are as specified in the applicable API or ASME valve standard; c) construction is as specified In the applicable API valve standard;
d) hand wheel, gear operator or lever operates clockwise to dose when viewed from the outboard end of the stem, and that the hand wheel, gear operator or lever is properly marked with an arrow and the word open0 to indicate the opening direction;
e) hand wheel corfltlons, material and method of fabncatlon (where applicable);
fl packing type and arrangement, size, and number of rings as well as the number of rings that could be added after the shell hydro-test;
g) method of attaching the seat ring to the body (where applicable);
h) presence of lubrication on the stem nut for gate and globe valves;
i) nothing other than light hdrlcant, having a viscosity no greater than kerosene, has been used on valve sealing
surface, except for valves using lubricant as their primary sealing mechanism;
j) type of closure element
k) t-tiead is integral (without welding or weld buildup) with the stem for gate valves;
I) a fully open gate/plug)ball fuly opens to the applicable API specified limits;
m)any disk nut on swing check valves is positively locked in place;
n) number, location, and size of any tapped openings in pressure-contairwng parts;
o) type and direction of the stem threads for gate and globe valves;
p) markings on the bolting for the body, bonnet, and cover joints are as specified in applicable ASTM specifications;
q) method of attachment of the hand wheel nut (where applicable);
r) tack welding is used or is not used in securing various components;
5) type & end protection used in shipment;
8.1 For steel gate valves, direct tensile loads shall be applied to wedge-stern-stern nut assemblies to determine the location of the first point of failure and the magnitude of the loads at failure. The first point of failure must occur at a location thetis outside the valve pressure boundary. Testing shall continue to determine the failure load of the stern- to-wedge connection and the results shall be reported
8.2 For metal plug/ball valves and Category B butterfly valves, direct torsional loads shall be applied to stem-to- closure element assemblies to detenmne the location of the first point of failure (first permanent deformation of a drive train component) and the magnitude of the loads at failure as defined in the applicable API standards,
8.3 If any of the tested assemblies fail to meet the requirements of the first two paragraphs, all of the valves in the sample lot shall have the strength tests for stem shaft-to-closure element connections performed, and the results reported.
8.4 A dimensional analysis of the stem-to-closure element connection of all of the valve sizes for which approval is sought shall demonstrate that all of the connections are similarty proportioned to the tested stems and closure elements If different product forms or different material mechanical properties are involved with untested valve sizes, additional stern-to-closure element tests shal be made to demonstrate the soundness of the other designs and/or materials.
8.5 Strength testing is potentially hazardous and it is essential that the safety of personnel be given prime consideration. The testing equipment shaN be designed to apply the required tensile or torsional loads as applicable to aN components. The test lab shall insure that the test fixture does not misalign or introduce side loading that can Influence the results of the strength test Testing equipment shall not restnct or interfere with the movement of the wedge ears- Testing methods which involve welding to the closure element shall have nondestructive hardness testing performed before and after welding to insure the stem connection characteristics of the closure element have not been altered. Machining or drilling of the closure element below the center line is allowed as In Figure 1 to provide a satisfactory surface for clamping. Torsional testing as In Figure 2 may be conducted in the onginal as assembled valve.