API RP 5C6:2006 pdf download
API RP 5C6:2006 pdf download.Welding Connections to Pipe.
Testing shall be performed in accordance with ASTM El8 for the Rockwell method and shall include, as a minimum. surveys of the weld metal and the base matcnal heat affected tones IIIAZ).
When othcr hardness methods have been pcrfonned. results may be converted to Rockwell. as applicable. in accordance with ASThI El 40. BnnclI hardness survey is not acceptable for testing weld metal heat affected zone in a PQR test.
When impact testing is specified by a supplementary requirement, it shall be performed in accordance wth ASTM A370 using the Charpy V-Notch speesmen.
A minimum of one set of three test specimens shall he removed at the i.s thickness location of the lest weidment for the weld metal, connector I-IAZ, and pipe HAZ, unless otherwise specified.
The root of the notch shall be oriented normal to the surface of the lest weidment, The weld metal specimens shall have the notched poilion con,osed of 100 percent weld metal. The base material IIAZ specimens shall have the notched porlion sampling as much IIAZ material as possiblc
Results of testing shall comply to the applicable specified supplementary requirement. Refer to Supplements SR 27 and SR 28.
5.6.1 If PWIIT is specified by the WPS. all PQR testing shall be done with the test weldment in the pustweld heat treatment condition. PWIIT shall be performed in accordance with the fabricator’s WI’S or the written procedure. Both furnace and local resistance type PWIIT methods shall be considered accq*able. lleatinsj by direct flame impingement shall not be pennittcd.
5.6.2 The PWHT procedure or WPS shall spec its, the applicable PWHT temperature range and time at temperature.
5.6.3 When SR 35 is specified on the purchase order, PIIWT shall be in compliance with NACE MROI 75.
6 Welder and Welding Operator Qualification
Welders and welding operators shall be qualified in accordance with Article Ill of the ASME Code. Section lX
Records of welding performance qualification IWPQ) shall include all essential welding variables and qualified ranges, as speci. fled in ASME Code, Section IX.
7 Production Welding Controls
Welding shall be in accordance with qualified WPS and should be performed by qualified welders or welding operators.
Welders and welding oprrnutois shall have access to and should comply with the welding parameters sped lied in the WPS.
Preheating. when required, shall bc performed in accordance with the WPS or other written procedures or specifications.
7.4 FIT-UP
The weld joint lit-up shall take into account squareness. The fabricator shall develop a procedure for lit-up methods. SR 34 of this document provides an opoonal alignment procedure suitable to meet the tntcni of this recommended practice.
When required. PWHT shall be in accordance with the applicable qualified WPS or written psucedure.
7.6,1 The fabrieatiirs welding contl system sh.iIl include prucedures for monitoring, updating. and controlling the qualifies. (ion of welders or welding operalon and the use of WPS.
7.6.2 Instruments to serilv temperature. voltage, and amperage shall he serviced and calibrated in accordance with wi-men procedures or specifications. Temperature indicating crayons may be used to monitor preheat and interpass temperature.
8 Inspection
Equipment used to Inspect, test or examine material or other equipment shall be identified, controlled, calibrated, and adjusted at specified intervaLs in accordance with documented manufacturer instructions, and consistent with referenced indusiry standards, to maintain the accuracy required by this specification.
Squareness of each connector welded to pipe shall be inspected to verify conformance with the flillowing requirements.
8.2,1 Squareness Verification
Squareness is a measurement of the connector with respect to the pipe axis and shall be inspected to assure compliance with the requirements set forth in this recommended practice.
a. The nia’i,num allowable desision from square shall be ‘.‘i inch per 12 inches
b. All squareness measurements utili,ing the pipe Oft as a reference surface shall be taken at a disiance of no less than 2 inches
away fn,m the weld.
c. Squareness verification measurements shall be taken at 2 locations as a minimum at 90 degrees apart.
822 Alignment Verification
Whcn alignment verification is specified ass supplemcntaiy requirement I SR 34). the i’msbncator shall perform alignment vcrificalion as specified below.
Conneclor to pipe alignment veTificatiun is a measurement of one connector face relative to the connector face on the opposite end of the pipe. The measurement includes axial alignment and cvnne4.lor par-.illelism.
8.2.3 EquIpment
Typical alignment verification equipment consists of a set of two fixtures including a target and a telescope (or other sighting or Image piojeciun device). These fixtures arc positioned on opposite ends of the joint being verified such that they are both parallel with the connector or pipe face and centered with the axial centerline of the connector or pipe end. The target typically consists of swell delined center area (bull’s eye) with concentric target circles of a known diameter. The sighting device should be of sufficient magnification to observe sight placement within the prescribed target circle for the length of joint being fabricated (usually 40 feet).