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API RP 5L2:2002 pdf download

API RP 5L2:2002 pdf download.Recommended Practice for lnternal Coating of Line Pipe for Non-Corrosive Gas Transmission Service.
4.6.4 Protection of Uncured Coating
Coating shall be applied in a covered or enclosed space shielded from high winds, blowing dust and dip and inclemcm weather. Protection from these conditions shall be provided until the coating is tack free.
4.6.5 Acceleration of Initial Cure
Heat may be used to accelerate cure. providing ii produces no adverse effects to the pipe or coating.
4.6.6 Coating Film Unfavorable Operating Conditions
Coating operations must he stopped when conditions as defined by the other provisions of this Recommended Practice indicate that an inferior coating will result. Retention of Coated Pipe
Applicators should have provisions for coated pipe to be retained following coating application for inspection purposes. Relative Humidity
If heat is not used to accelerate cure, coating operations should be suspended when the relative humidity is 90% or greater in the coating area
4.7.1 Repair Limitations
Defective or damaged coating shall be repaired by the applicator. If the total area of repair exceeds 1% of the total internal pipe surface, the entire pipe shall be recoetcd. Smaller areas may be spot repaired per 4.7.3.
4.7.2 Film Thickness
Minimum film thickness of coaling applied during repair shall comply with
4.7.3 Repair to Small Areas
Spot repairs may be made with a manual ato.niRing spray gun or brash.
4.7.4 Runs and Sags
Heavy runs or sags of coating should be smoothed out by sanding or scraping prior to recoaftng. Coating that overlays areas which were inadequately cleaned shall be completely removed and the surface properly cleaned prior to recoating. Unbonded coating shall be compleicly rcmovcd.
4.7.5 Roughened Surface
Roughened coating should be smoothed arid all edges of bonded material must be “feathered out” prior to recoating.
4.7.6 Repair and Recoating
Any openu ion such as coating repair. pipe wall repair. etc.. must not be anempted until sufficient cure and hardening of coating fiLm has occurred, so that film damage is prevented. Prior to recoating. pipe should be thoroughly cleaned to remove dust and accumulated debris.
4.8.1 Identification
When identification stencils and other markings are applied to the inside pipe wall, application shall be done in a manner that will not damage the intemal coating. Stenciling or marking paint must be compatible with the coating on the pipe and of a contrasting color.
4.8.2 Restenciling
If a pipe requires rework which invalidates eiisting stencil information, then that pipe must be restenciled when repairs are completed.
5 Production Inspection and Acceptance
This Section defines the limits of acceptance of internally coated pipe and methods of final testing to assure compliance therewith,
5.2.1 Working Area
A safe working area that is suiithle for the performance of their duties shall be provided by the applicator for the par- chaser’s inspectors and representatives.
52.2 ApplIed Coating Film
The applied coating film should be uniform in gloss, thickness and color and should be free of irregularities. Blushing. regardless of the degree of color change. shall no be considered detrimental pmvided the affected area meets the requirements of Bond (Adhesion) Test and Film Thickness Test.


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