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API RP 753:2007 pdf download

API RP 753:2007 pdf download.Management of Hazards Associated with Location of Process Plant Portable Buildings.
In accordance with Section 1.3 it is better to locate personnel away from covered process areas and to minimize the use of occupied portable buildings near such areas. However. if placement of a blast resistant portable building is necessary, owners and/or operators shall develop criteria as to when a blast resistant portable building will be allowed in close proximity to a process area.
Portable buildings specifically designed for significant blast loads may be used. This document does not address whether these buildings may oiler a similar level of protection to occupants as pennanent buildings. The design of portable buildings shall be handled on a case-by-case basis.
A portable building may be located in Zone 1 or Zone 2 only if the conditions described in 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 arc satisfied:
3.4.1 Detailed Blast Analysis
Conduct a detailed blast analysis as described in section 3.2 combined with a structural evaluation that demonstrates the building will provide protection to the occupants from the blast hazards. The structural evaluation shall:
• Establish blast design basis loading:
• Design or assess the structure of portable buildings using established blast resistant design procedures. the AS(h l99t is recomiiiended for blast resistant design or assessment of portable buildings for petrochemical facilities:
• Establish design criteria in terms of the allowable structural response that are appropriate for the intended use of the building:
• Design or assess the support system of portable buildings to limit the acceleration and displacement of the building. including overturning and sliding:
• Address door operability and function afier blast:
• Design or assess non-structural features ot• portable buildings to limit flammable vapor or smoke ingress (post explosion event) and dislodgement of internal features: and
• Address applicable explosion risk reduction measures described in Section 3.5.
3.4.2 Fire and Toxic Release Hazards Analysis
Conduct a tire and toxic release hazards analysis (See sections 4 and 5) combined with an evaluation that demonstrates the portable building will protect its occupants or allow safe escape from the identified scenarios, The fire and toxic release evaluation shall:
• Determine the fire rating of the building shell for thermal radiation and (if applicable) flame impingement:
• SpecifS’ flammable and/or toxic release mitigation systems (alarms, HVA(’ emergency shutdown systems. water sprays. etc.):
• Detennine means of escape and emergency evacuation in the event of a toxic/flammable gas release or a fire: and
• Spccit personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements for building occupants.
Additional references are:
• Structure to Resist the Etfects of Accidental E..ploxions, Department of the Army Technical Manual TM 5-1300. Department of the Navy Publication NAVFAC P-397, Department of the Air Force Manual AFM 88-22. Revision 1. November 1990.
• Intrnducrion to Structural Dynamics, Higgs. J.D.. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New York. NY. 1964.
• The Prediction of Blast and Fragment Loadings on Structures, Prepared for United States Department of Energy. by Southwest Research Institute under contract with Mason & Hanger, and Battelle Pantex. Report No. DOIEJTIC 11268. July 1992.
• Fundamentals of PrnIL’cIiw Structure Design for Conventional Weapons, Department of the Army TM 5-855-I. Washington, D.C., November 3, 1986.
Other risk reduction measures which should be considered for all portable buildings and applied as necessary are:
• Securing internal furniture, office equipment and fixtures to minimize projectile hazard.s inside the portable building
• Ensuring that portable buildings are assembled and installed in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and local building codes. Particular anention should be paid to the proper connection of ridge beams and columns in double-wide trailers
• Evaluating and mitigating window hazards from potential explosions for portable buildings regardless of occupancy or location (for example replace glass window with polycarbonate panel, elimination of windows, or application of safety films)
• Considering the orientation of the portable building relative to the potential explosion hazard(s) (e. g.. for a rectangular portable building, it is preferred to orient the short face of the building toward the controlling explosion hazard)
• Evaluating and considering the location and the number of emergency doors to provide appropriate emergency egress.


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