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API RP 7C-11F:2008 pdf download

API RP 7C-11F:2008 pdf download.Recommended Practice for lnstallation,Maintenance, and Operation of Internal-Combustion Engines.
5 Single-Cyllnder and Two.Cyftnd.r Pumping Engines
Generally. a heaver, more rigid foundfion is rnquUtd for sioayllndu and wcyIi*lu pumping engines.
An adequate gas volume tank and a flexible fuel cormecban to the engine see desirable.
Exhsist lines of adequate size and crect length should be provided. particulady for two-cycle engines.
I General Maintenance
A daily inspection of engines should be made by the pumper or qualified engine operator who should also record each inspection performed as follows;
5.1.1 Coolant T.mp.r.tur. .id OIl Prwira
Before shutting down, coolant temperature and oil pressire should be observed under normal Iced. If the engine is a diesel equipped with pyrometers. ill cylinders should be checktd Check and record vacuum rending on eik ignibon engines.
5.1.2 Lubdcaon
The crankcase oil level in both main id starting engines should be chocked and oil added if needed.. Sufficieri time should be allowed for the oil to &ain beck So the crankcase from the upper engrie pseu before checking the oil level. Oil should be repLaced as recommended by the engine manufacturer, or when it is obviously thickened. diluted, or dirty beyond normal onnditions. Filler elements should be replaced and itie oil sunlner cleaned thriag the change at oil, or more frequently if so recommended by the engine manufacturer. All points recommended by the mwerfactiucrs K requiring daily attention should be checked, but cue should be exercised that the pivpet lubricants are used aiki that these points see not over- hitricated.
5.1.3 CoolIng Synt.m
Coolant-water supply should be checked, arid clean, soft waler added as needed. In winter, lout cooIa should be replaced with the opet anti-freeze mixture. The cooling-system vent-valve, when provided, should be opened before adding water and closed dter waier i n added. Water showing rust or scum may iadicr need for replacement of the cleaning system, hose, or gaskets. A manufacturer ap1 wovcd cooling water eamient agei should be used. On air- cooled engines, the flywheel air screen and au intake stack should be checked, arni any foreign mateiial removed. I! fly. wheel air screen or intake stack is very duly, the fins on beads and cylinder blocks should be inspected, and cleaned if nccesmay. If cylinder block fins are rusty, they should be thoroughly cleaned wh a wire bnssh.
8.1.4 AIr C1..n.rs
Air cleaners on engine á•saçpiy and breather openings should be checked and cleaned is required accng to die design and condition of the ck.u. Pay 1*rticul attention on turbochuged engines to any indications 01 melalbe fluserrng media tweaking up or boles and breaks in paper element cleanera.
8.1.5 Fuel-Supply System
mc fuel-supply system should be checked by dealning the sump bip. and saainen also the fuel-oil line filten, if the engine is a dieseL All collections of dirt and dust wound the tank filler cap. and vera should be removed.
8.1.8 Leeks or Dmn.g.
A visual impaction should be made of all water, fuel, lubricant lines, fittings, and valves for indications of leaks or damage. Special attentkm should be directed to nitbochwgu oil and water lines, rnoantings, and air and exhaust line ,- nections and seals.
LI.? DaIly Engine Rort
All work done. the hours of engine operation, and the amounts of oil. and-freeze. and special lubricants used should be recorded on the daily engine report.
8.1.8 MalfunctIoning or N..ded Rp&r
Any malfunctioning of the engine or any needed repairs should be repaned to the mechanic.
The following weekly inspection of engtnes should be made by the pumper or qualified engine operator, who should a1)o record each inspection performed.


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