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API SPEC 14A:2005 pdf download

API SPEC 14A:2005 pdf download.Specification for Subsurface Safety Valve Equipment.
Adjustments to material thickness or yield strengths shall not negatively impact maximum stress factors. The de-rated product shall be evaluated by the manufacturer to ensure that It will meet the requirements of the validation lest.
63.3.4 Each de-rated product requires evaluation, justification and design documentation of the changes. Documentation shall be included in the product’s design records.
6.3.4 Materials General
a) Materials, and/or the service, shall be stated by the supplier/manufacturer and shall be suitable for the class of service and the environment specified in the functional specificahon The manufacturer shall have written specifications for all materials. All materials used shall comply with the manufacturers wntten specifications.
b) The user/purchaser may specify materials for the specific corrosion environment in the functional specification Should the manufacturer propose to use another material, the manufacturer shall state that this matenal has performance characteristics suitable for all parameters specified in the well and productionhlniectlon parameters. This applies to metallic and non-metallic components.
c) Material substitutions in qualified SSSV equipment are allowed without validation testing provided that the manufacturers selection criteria are documented and meet all other requirements of this International Standard. Metals The manufacturers specifications shall define the following:
a) chemical-composition limits:
b) heat treatment conditions:
C) mechanical-property limits:
1) tensile strength,
2) yIeld strength,
3) elongation,
4) hardness. The mechanical properties specified In C) for traceable metal components shall be verified by tests conducted on a material sample produced from the same heat of material. The material sample shall experience the same heat treatment process as the component it qualifies. Material subsequently heat-treated from the same heat of material shall be hardness-tested after processing to confirm compliance with the hardness requirements of the manufacturers specifications. The hardness results shall verify through documented correlation that the mechanical properties of the matenal tested meet the properties specified in 6.3,4.2,1 .c). The heat treatment process parameters shall be defined in the heat treatment procedure. Hardness testing is the only mechanical-property test required after stress relieving. Material test reports provided by the material supplier or the manufacturer are acceptable documentation Each welded component shall be stress-relieved as specified in the manufacturer’s written specifications and. where applicable, In accordance with paragraphs UCS-56 and UHA-32, Section VIII.
Division 1 Subsection C, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. In addition, carbon and low-alloy steel
weidments on Class 3S SSSV equipment shall be stress-relieved in accordance with ISO 15156 (all parts).
NOTE For the purposes of these provlsaons, NACE MROIT51ISO 15156-1-2-3, Is equivalent to ISO 15156 (all parts) Non-metals The manufacturer shall have documented procedures, induding acceptance criteria, for evaluations or testing of sealing materials or other non-metals to the limits for WhCti the equipment is rated. Evaluations (or tests) shall verify the material used is suitable for use in the specific configuration. environment and application. These evaluations shall Include the combination of: pressure, temperature, geometric seal design and its application, and the fluids compatible with the intended application. Sealing devices and materials previously qualified in accordance with prior editions of ISO 10432 or API Spec 14A for the relevant range of application shall be considered as meeting the design validation requirements of this International Standard.
6.3,4.3.4 The manufacture?s written specifications for non-metallic compounds shall mdude handling. storage and labelling requirements, including the cure date, batch number, compound identification and shelf life appropriate to each compound and shall define those characteristics critical to the performance of the material, such as the following:
a) compound type;
b) mechanical properties. as a milmum:
1) tensile strength (at break),
2) elongation (at break),
3) tensIle modulus (at 50% or 100%, as applicable);
c) compression set;
d) durometer hardness.
6.3.5 Performance data Performance ratlng-SCSSV
The supplierimanufacturer shall state the pressure, temperature and axial load rating, as applicable for the specific product. This information may be provided in an operating performance envelope; an example is given in Annex E Performance rating-SSCSV
The supplier/manufacturer shall provide the following information, as applicable, to establish the closang conditions for the specific product.


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