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API SPEC 15HR:2001R2010 pdf download

API SPEC 15HR:2001R2010 pdf download.Specification for High Pressure Fiberglass Line Pipe.
Iach component and length of pipe including jointers. afler being fully cured shall be hydrostatically tested at the manufacturer’s facility to 1.5 times the standard pressure rating. hydrostatic test pressure shall be maintained for a minimum of two minutes. For every 5(Nh joint, test pressure shall be maintained for a minimum of 10 minutes. No visual leaks or weeps are permitted in the pipes, components, or end connections. Tests shall include an attached coupling or integral joint and shall not have restrained ends. Test temperature shall be ambient.
7.4.2 Degree of Cure
Degree of cure shall be determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) according to Appendix C at a minimum frequency of once per shift for each resin system used at each nianufacturer’s facility. DSC tests, in accordance with Appendix C, shall also be conducted on fittings at a frequency of one per 100 units irrespective of site, type or pressure rating. The Tg shall not be more than 5°C below the minimum values measured in 5.1.1 and 5.1.4. This may be the same fitting used in 7.4.3.
7.4.3 Short-Time Failure Pressure
Short-time hydraulic failure pressure testing shall be done in accordance with ASTM D1599 (free end). Test sample includes a complete fiberglass connection, Failure pressure shall be greater than the published short-time hydraulic pressure in 8.1 .h and greater than 85% of the minimum failure pressure of that component in the testing done in accordance with 5.1.2. Pipe and components furnished to this specification shall be tested in accordance with this paragraph at a minimum frequency of one test per lot. A pipe lot shall consist of 5,0(X) ft or fraction thereof for one size and wall thickness in continuous production. For other components, a lot shall consist of 100 units irrespective of size, type or pressure rating.
7.4.4 Visual Inspection
All pipe furnished to this specification shall meet the visual inspection limits in Table 2.
7.4.5 Retest
If any component fails to conform to the specified requirements 7.4.2 and 7.4.3, the manufacturer may elect to make retests on two additional components from the same lot. If both of the retest specimens conform to the requirements. all rem.iining lengths in the lot shall be accepted. If one or both ot the retest specimens tall to conform to the requirements. the tested lot shall be rejected. The manufacturer may elect to test individually the remaining components from the rejected
7.4.6 Wall Thickness
Total wall thickness shall be determined by caliper, eddy current thickness gage. or pi tape on the outside diameter and calculate thickness based on measured inside diameter on every joint away from the upset. Reinforced wall thickness shall be determined by ASTM 1) 3567 once evemy lot. Total and reinforced wall tolerances shall he as specified in Table I.
7.4.7 Thread Gaging
Threads shall be gaged in accordance with API RP 5B I. The minimum frequency o gaging shall be once per lot. For molded threads the first article from a new mold shall also be checked.
When stated on the purchase order, the provisions of Appendix F. Purchaser Inspection, shall apply.
7.6.1 Purpose
The quality control records required by this specification are necessary to substantiate that all materials and products made to meet this specification do contbrm to the specified requiremenis.
7.6.2 Records Control
a Quality control records required by this specification shall be legible, identifiable, retrievable and protected from damage. deterioration, or loss.
h. Quality control records required by this specification shall he retained by the manufacturer for a minimum of 5 years following the date of manufacture.
c. All quality control records requind by this specification shall be signed and dated.
7.6.3 Records to be Maintained by Manufacturer Test results in accordance with 7.4.


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