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API SPEC 2B:2007 pdf download

API SPEC 2B:2007 pdf download.Specification for the Fabrication of Structural Steel Pipe.
5 Fabrication
5.1.1 Forming pipe furnished to this specification shall normally he formed below 400°F, thai is. cold formed. Waim forming (between 80(IF and 1200°F or 50°F below the tempering temperature of quenched and tempered steels) may he employed provided forming procedures for heat treated or TMCP steel arc qualified to demonstrate the mechanical strength properties required by the original plate specification are met in the warm formed condition. Hot forming (above the tipper critical temperaturef may also be employed provided the forming procedure is qualified to demonstrate all mechanical properties required by the original plate specifications are met.
5i.2 The purchaser may specify Supplementary Requirement I if the rolled direction of the plate is desired to be onenied in a specific direction during the forming of the pipe. and the pipe shall be so identified.
5.1.3 All welding shall be in accordance with AWS L)l.l2000. Structural Welding Code—Steel. Unless otherwise approved by the purchaser, the submerged arc welding process shall be employed for all welding—excep4 tack welds, root passes and repair wekling where other AWS approved processes may be utilized. All welds shall be complete joint penetration groove welds produced by employing AWS Dl .1 prequalifled joint details, or other joint configurations qualified by procedure qualification testing.
Welding electrodes and fluxes shall conform to applicable AWS specifications and shall he selected to match the minimum ultimate strength of the base material, and to provide a minimum of 20 ft-lbs Charpy V-notch (CVN) impact energy at 0°F. Matching CVN toughness may be specified by invoking Supplementary Requirement S4.
lithe AWS specification requirement for the electrodes and fluxes to be employcs is less than the foregoing, or if the welding procedure falls outside thc range of essential variables tested in the AWS specification, then Charpy test spedmens shall be removed from a simulated production weld and tested in accordance with Annex Ill of AWS Dl. I.
The deposited weld metal shall possess an energy value not less than indicated. The foregoing requirements shall apply separately to the final condition of plate welds, pipe welds. and girth welds.
When specilied on the purchase order, the following supplementary requirements shall apply:
SRi Plate Rolling Direction Orientation
SR1.1 The orientation of the pipe axis relative to (he final rolling direction of the place from which the pipe is tirmed shall be longitudinal or transverse (circumferential) as indicated on the purchase order and ilitistraled below.
SR1.2 Pipe tbricated in accordance with this supplementary reqUirement shall be identified by marking “S-IL” or “S-IT” adjacent to “API 2W’ as required by Section 8. Item e and Item g. See Figure A-I.
SR2 CVN Toughness Tests
Notch toughness tests shall be conducted as a requirement of the welding procedure qualification tests. The welding procedure qualification test coupon shall be welded and tested in accordance with Paragraph 5. l0,l of AWS [)l 1. Charpy V-notch test specimens shall be removed from the weld and heat affected ione in accordance with the requirements of Appendix Ill of AWS Dl. I. The test temperature. notch location (if different from AWS). and the minimum average energy value shall be as indicated on the purchase order. The pipe shall be identified by marking as required in Section 8, Item g.
SR3 100 Percent Radiographic Examination
In addition to 100% radiography of the girth welds specified by 7.3. each designated longitudinal weld shall be examined by radiography throughout its entire length. Pipe inspected in accordance with this supplementary requirement shall be identified by marking as required in Section 8, Item g.


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