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API STD 2015:2001 pdf download

API STD 2015:2001 pdf download.Requirements for Safe Entry and Cleaning of Petroleum Storage Tanks.
3.2.65 threshold limit value (TLV): The maximum airborne concentration of hazardous substances to which, it is believed, nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed day after day without adverse effects, as determined by the appropriate regulatory agencies and employer (owner/operator and contractor) policies, including, hut not limited to. exposure limits developed by the responsible committees of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.
3.2.66 toxic materials (substances): Any material or substance whose properties arc such that can cause injury to a biological system, depending on exposure concentration, time of exposure and means of exposure.
3.267 vapor and gas treeing: The removal of flammable or toxic vapors and gases from a tank by displacement or the reduction of the percentage of vapors and gases in the tank to a safe level by dilution with fresh air.
3.2.68 ventilation: Providing fresh air inside a tank to maintain an atmosphere within acceptable permit limits and provide the required number of air changes per hour. Ventilation occurs after flaniinahle vapors, toxic vapors and gases. dusts, fumes or mists have been displaced or diluted by vapor and gas freeing (degassing).
3.2.69 work (operations): Any work performed on tanks in accordance with this standard.
3.2.70 worker: A qualified person working in or around a tank during tank cleaning. A worker, working inside a tank, may or may not be an entrant depending on the classification of the tank.
4 Administrative Controls and Procedures
hmployers (owners. operators. or contractors shall develop and implement appropriate administrative controls. procedures and written plans for tank preparation, entry. and cleaning work from decommissioning through recommissioning. including, but not limited to. the following (see ANSI/API Recommended Practice 2016 for additional inl&mation):
a. Scope of work to be performed.
b. Owner/operator responsibilities for each planned operation.
c. Contractor and sub-contractor selection.
d. Contractor and sub-contractor responsibilities for each planned operation.
c. Regulatory requircmcnt s and employer (owner/operator and cornractoc) responsibilities applicable to the specific tank cleaning operations.
f. Requirements and responsibility for permits, records. reports. notIcaiions and record keeping.
g. Hazard assessment and establishment of sale practices. exposure levels and controls for the storage tank(s) and tank area and the operations to be conducted.
h. Hazard assessment and establishment of sak practices. exposure levels and controls ir vapor and gas fiieing and degassing including testing, monitoring and ventilation requirements, procedures, methods and equipment.
i. Hazard assessment and establishment of safe practices. exposure levels and controls, procedures, responsibilities. materials and equipment for decommissioning. isolation, tank cleaning and handling and disposal of product. sludge and residue.
j. Facility genera] and tank specific requirements and responsibility for identification, classification and reclassification of the tank (or tank root) as a permit required confined space, non-permit required confined space and non-confined space.
k. Entry requirements and entry permit, sate (cold) work permit and hot work permit requirements, issuance, limitations, cancellation and responsibilities.
I. Qualified persons, responsibilities, training and personal protective equipment requirements.
m Emergency response requirements, notification, dcsignated qualified rescuers and rescue operations responsibilities.
n. Pnxedures and responsibilities for inspecting, testing, recording and returning tanks to service.
o. Requirements for conducting post-tank cleaning reviews and adjusting programs and procedures, as needed.
Before dcoiiimissioning and tank cleaning operations begin and before workers enter tanks for any reason, employers (owners, operators, or contractors) shall develop and implement written tank cleaning programs (including confined space classification and entry) that include, but are not limited to, the following requirements.


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