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API STD 2510:2001 pdf download

API STD 2510:2001 pdf download.Design and Construction of LPG Installations.
6.2.7 Loads on Supporting Structure
The following loads shall be considered in the design of the supporting structure:
a. Static loads during erection plus expected wind, ice, and snow loads during the erection.
b. Static loads during water testing plus 25% of the wind, ice. and snow loads.
c. Static loads during operation (including the load due to flreproohng) plus applicable combinations of wind, ice, snow. and earthquake loads.
d. Loads resuking from expansion and contraction of the vessel due to internal pressure and temperature changes.
c. Loads resulting from difkrcntial settlement acrosS the supporting structures and Ibundations,
1. Static and dynamic loads during maintenance and operations.
6.2.8 Support Design The design of supports for vessels shall include provisions for expansion and contraction of the vessel due to internal pressure and emperature change of the vessel shell. Flexibility shall be provided in the attached piping to avoid imposing excessive stress on vessel nozzles and associated piping as a result of vessel movement.
Note: The following publication contains additional material regarding the design of supports:
Section VIII of the ASMIi Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Pressure retaining portions of storage vessels should typically not contact concrete or masonry supports or concrete or masonry fireproofing, since these contact points may be sites for external corrosion. If such contuct points are present, they should be identified for routine inspection.
6.2.9 Vessel Shell Loads
In the design of vessel supports. special attention shall be given to the loads imposed on the vessel shell. Consideration shall be given to the following:
a. Secondary forces resulting from service temperatures or
changcs in temperatures.
b. Test and operating pressures.
c. Liquid loads, both with and without pressure applied.
d. Loads due to piping reactions.
c. Normal supporting loads.
f. Loads due to liquid sloshing (in earthquake zones).
6.2.10 DIagonal Members
Diagonal members, such as those used for bracing vertical columns, shall not be attached directly to a vessel unless adequate provisions are made for the resulting loads in the design of the vessel.
6.2.11Saddles a horizontal tank is supported by sacldlles,the features specifiedi in through shall beincorporatod in the design. picrs shall bc uscd to support horizontalvessels. Consieration shall be given to the placement ofsupports to obtain the most desiroble stress distribution in thevessel shell. shape of the sadldles shall conform to the fab-ricated shape of the vesse or to the steel pad attached to thevessel. Doublers or reinforcing plates may be installedbetwocn the vessel shell and the suppoets to avoid externalcorrosion of the shell, provide for wear caused by tempera-fure-incluced movement, or roduce the stress in the shell at thesupport points. If such platcs are uscd, they shall be continu-osly wellded to the vessel shell afler any free rmoisture isremovei from under the plates.A threadled weep hole shall beprovided at thc kow point of cach plate. Wwherc corrosionplales are used. the plates shall exterd beyond the limits ofthe suppoating saddles to aid in distributing the suppont loads.The thickness of corrosion plates shall not be included in cal-culating the stress at the hormn of the sackile.
6.2.12 Multiple Vessels footings may be used for multiplevessel installations. n such instances.the loading of footingsshall be calculated for various probablc combinations ofloads, such as the koad that occurs when adjacent vessells arefull and the load that oocurs when altermate vesscls are full. picrs shall not be used for multiplevessel installations without the incorporation of spociall drain-age provisions.
6.2.13 Anchorage ln areas where there is a risk of flooding, the ves-sel shall be anchorod to the fondution or support to preventfloating in case of a flood.Anchoarage shall not restrict vessclmovenents resullting from expansion and contraction of thevessel due to temperature changes and internal pressure. of the vessel to the foundation or sup-port shall be perovided to resist wind and carthquake loads ando control temperature-induced movement. to the foundation or support shall beprovided to resist any uplifting forces resulting from internalpressure in the tank or vessel.


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