API STD 622:2006 pdf download
API STD 622:2006 pdf download.Type Testing of Process Valve Packing for Fugitive Emissions.
5.3.7 The test packing shall be installed around a test specimen tinctal ring). representing the salve stem material being evaluated.
a. Sample steel rings shall he machined from metal rods having thc same prnpcrticx as the finished valve stem.
h. Nominal dimcn.sions of the machincd sample shall be according to MSS SP- 120.
c. Nominal finish shall be 16—32 Ip-in. R11 (0.4— 0.8 im R1
5.3.8 The duration of (he test shall be 28 days.
5.4.1 The high temperature coirosam lest rig shall provide a heated chamber for multiple individual test fizturcs containing samples of metal and packing. See Annex 2.
5.4.2 mc housing shall be equipped with electric heating elements or a heater blanket that surrounds the outer periphery of the device, and allows for insertion of multiple test fixtures. See Figure 7 and Annex 2.
5.4.3 Each test fixture shall be equipped with a sapur feed line, providing cousanl replenishment of fluid to the test samples.
5.4.4 Prior to the start of corrosion testing. the compression fixture shall be adju.stcd so as to provide a 4354) psi 134) Mpaf coinprcssise stress on the test packing.
5.4.5 Packing samples shall be sutI!jectcd to de.mineraliied water i a test temperature of 34)0°F, ±30°F (149°C ±17°C), The ssaler pressure shall be maintained at 650 psig. ±32.5 psig (45 bar ±2.25 hat).
5.4.6 The duration of the test shall be 35 days.
Corrosion test data shall be reported on the Corrosion Test Data Sheet provided in Appendix A. The report shall include the following information:
a. Photographic record of each sample at IOOX and 600X magnification.
b. X-ray corrosion analysis shall be provided in graphic form.
c. Descriptive report on the degree of stem/shall pitting ihai occurred. which shall include the percent of surface area thai is corroded. the mean pit depth and the maximum pit depth.
6 Packing Materials Test
The packing materials test considers weight loss, density. lubricant content, and leachables as per the procedures outlined below. For new configurations, test packing shall be selected at random from a minimum production lot as supplied by the manufacturer. For existing configurations, test packing shall he provided by a blind selection of production product from the manufacturer’s normal distribution network. Validation of the random or the blind selection of process shall be provided to the testing lab.
a. Conducted in an oven with full exposure to air. (Oxygen-rich environment.)
b. Selectatcst ring of a sample packing set. If the packing set iscompriscd of more than one type of packing ring, each type shall
be tested.
c. Record weight.
d. Preheat oven to 300°F (150°C).
e. Place sample in oven for one hour.
f. Remove samples, cool to rxm temperature. and record weight.
g. Increase oven temperature to 5O0”F26O’C) and repeat steps e and f.
h. Increase temperature to 1000°F in l0(Y°F (538°C!6°C) increments, repeating steps e and falter each increase.
i. Discontinue test if weight loss exceeds 50/.
Packing Density shall be determined by dividing the sample weight by the sample volume, with the sample volume determined as follows:
a. Braided packing volume shall be determined by measuring the sample length. width and thickness. Volume = Length x Width x Thickness
b. Die-formed packing (ring form) volume shall be determined by the following equation:
, ‘I
Volume = IOD- — ID-) x Thickness x in /4
6.3.1 PTFF Content:
FIFE content shall be established by determining the % total fluorine in the packing. and comparing with a base fluorine percentage of 76. as follows:
a. Determine total percent of fluorine content using ASTM Dl 29 and DII 79.
h. Divide toal percent of fluorine as obtained in (a) above by 0.76 to obtain the approximate percent of l’fli content.
6.3,2 Wet Lubricant:
Wet lubricant percentage shall be determined by dividing the “weight of the lubricant extract” by the “original sample weight” and multiplying by 1(X), The procedure shall be as follows:
a. Cut samples into short lengths, and record the total sample weight. (Approx. IS grams is required)
b. Place cut samples into an extraction thimble and insert thimble into Soxhlct extraction unit that is nearly filled with a solvent such as methylene chloride.